Thursday, 23 July 2009

A poem that I am sure you can relate to...

Oh Lord Wont You Buy Me...

Oh Lord, won't you buy me a horsey that bends.
My friends all ride warmbloods, I must make amends.
I practice my leg yields, each evenin 'til ten.
So, oh Lord, won't you buy me a horsey that bends.

Oh Lord, won't you buy me a horse that won't buck
I'm tired of trying to land standing up.
I spend all my time, brushing dirt off my butt.
So oh Lord, won't you buy me a horse that won't buck.

Oh Lord, won't you buy me a horse that won't bite.
I count all my fingers and toes every night.
I feel like a carrot, when I'm in his sight.
So oh Lord, won't you buy me a horse that won't bite.

Oh Lord, won't you buy me a horse with a brain.
Mine is scared of his own shadow, it's driving me insane.
I ask him to do things, but he forgets his own name
So oh Lord, won't you buy me a horse with a brain.

Oh Lord, won't you buy me a horse that stays clean.
I brush him, I groom him, I've considered chlorine.
His color's too chestnut for a horse with grey genes.
So oh Lord, won't you buy me a horse that stays clean

Oh Lord, won't you give hime some hindquarter drive.
This horse is so lazy, I'm not sure he's alive.
We bend and we circle, 'til way, way past five.
So oh Lord, won't you give him some hindquarter drive.

I went all la de da at the weekend.....

For the first time in my life, I went to watch Polo. Now I dont know about the rest of you but I have been into horses pretty much from day dot, but I have never had an interest in Polo (apart from the Argentinian polo groom that rides past the yard now and again) I havent even seen bits on the telly so it was a new experience for me.

We were invited to go to the VEUVE CLICQUOT GOLD CUP FINAL at Cowdray Park in West Sussex by our courier friends GFS who look after all our dispatch between ourselves and DHL.

There was myself,who works in the equestrian marketing section and also deals with Amazon, Alison, who is our ebay guru and deals with all our UK and Europe sites and is a bit 'horsey' herself and Andrew, our director/spiritual guide (as he likes to call himself), who has no interest in anything remotely equestrian, apart from how many rugs I am selling, but wanted to taste the free champagne, and very nice it was too!

We arrived at the venue to a few glasses of Veuve Clicquot Champagne followed by a delicious three course meal followed by more champagne, then a drive down to the pitch in the golf clubs 4x4's.

I know there were a few famous faces there, Prince Harry, Jennifer Aniston to name but a few but the only one I spotted was Jenny Faulkner of GMTV fame (didnt she do some celebrity show jumping?)........hmmmmm, oh well.

I had an absolutely fantastic time, and to anyone who hasnt been to watch polo before, you have to try it. I cant believe how fast and furious the game is, and all of the Polo Ponies looked amazing and knew their job inside out. None of this hauling around which is what I fully expected and if you just go and drive down to watch, I think it is only around £10 to get in so I dont think thats to bad at all. The link to Cowdray Park is

Few things to remember -

1) Wear a jacket - it was bloomin freezing and I had goose bumps on goose bumps

2) Dont wear hot pink stilettos to push the divets in on the pitch aka -Pretty Woman - you end up sinking in the grass and walking back across the pitch bare footed and 5" shorter.

3)Know where the toilets are, Verve Clicquot champagne goes straight through you in the cold

4) Do not try and find something nice and appropriate to wear the day before you go, you get very stressed and try on far to many dresses that are not suitable and end up buying the first one you tried on.

But do try it and have fun x

Monday, 13 July 2009

What a refreshing change...........

So much to say, so little time. We are very busy here at the moment at Cybercheckout so I have been meaning to update my blog for a few days now but keep running out of time so today I am writing this from home, but my C button doesn't always work so I do apologise in advance if there happens to be a few letters missing here and there. This could be a problem when you work for a company called Cyberchekout but we shall see how we get on.

After the long stay of my inlaws from South Africa for a month and an unexpeted visit from my sister in law, where I have to say I was completly spoilt and had so much time to ride and do all those extra jobs that I tend to leave (de-cobwebbing my stable for one) that I feel abit lost now everyone has gone home. Actually, change that to rushed, I am back to my 6:30am rides, on the dot, to be back in time to turn into Superwoman and get myself and my son ready for 8:30am, pack him off to school or the childminder and get to my desk trying not to smell to much like a barn and picking bits of shavings out of my hair by 9am.
This works a treat unless like this morning, you arrive at the yard and your horse is still flat out fast asleep. Once you have stood there a minute checking they are actually breathing (as it's very rare for William to be caught having a nap), you get the one eyed very sleepy horse look that says "no, not today mum thanks". Quick kick of the food bucket to wake him up thinking he might be getting fed (i'm such a cruel mum), you find that apart from half a bed of shavings in their tail, you then have a big poo stain down the side of the face where they have made themselves a comfy warm cushion that is now slightly smeared down their neck as well. Now heres the dilema, do you leave bedding and poo and ride them out anyway as you are on a time limit and just hope you dont see anybody who knows you OR change your plan and ride in the field so you can hide behind the hedge? I am afraid to say I am a bit stubborn and didnt want to change my riding plan and decided it was to early for any normal people to be driving so I would risk going out, poo and all. Well, who ever knew there were so many early lot need to lie in more often so my poo stained, bed headed horse and I can sneak out without being spotted.

Last week was an interesting one where I had a neighbour banging on the door complaining of my dog making to much noise when I went out, It was a really hot day so I had left the back doors open, not realising Ashka wanted to practise her singing voice at top volume. After knocking on next door to see if the dog was being mistreated (apparently she sounded like she was being strangled) and being told "no, shes just a bit gobby!" the lady said she would 'return later to see me'. Well I was very much looking forward to introducing her to my mistreated dog but unfortunately she never returned. Anyway, after a few threats of no more sausages or cheese, Ash has decided to Shhhhhh. I suppose thats why they call them 'Weiny-ramers !!!!!!