Monday, 29 June 2009


Well it's been a bit quiet on the work front as we have been having a stock take so everything was off sale throughout that but we are all back up and running just in time for this heat wave. It's a bit to hot for me to be honest, it's ok if I have a pool beside me and someone serving me the odd glass of vino but sitting in a hot office and my horse surrounded by flies and you are both hot and sweaty even after a short trip round the village is my idea of hell.
We sell a range of pools here at Cybercheckout so maybe I could get one of those up in the garden and pursuade my husband to hand me drinks and feed me grapes,, never going to happen.

Last year I bought Will a Rambo Protector and to be honest it has been great, very smart and does it's job extremly well and when Horseware Ireland bought out the Rambo Flybuster, which is basically the same but built in fly repellant, I sort of sniffed at it and thought no thanks, I will stick with the fly spray but is it me or do the flies seem worse this year? When I get Will in from the field, there are flies, in the barn, flies, hacking, millions of flies and big bloomin horse flies as well. It's driving him and me crazy. Today I actually went to the yard on my lunch hour to go and give him another spray but it just got me thinking that maybe by the time I account for petrol money and the amount I spend on fly spray, I should have invested in the Flybuster, I think in the long run I would have saved pennies. Have a look for yourself and see what you think but today I feel I invested in the wrong fly rug.

Tuesday, 16 June 2009

Sunshine on a rainy day

Phew, well it's been a busy couple of weeks. Will has been going very nicely and yesterday...........da,da,daaaaaaa, I trotted!!!! I was like an excited little girl in a sweet shop but he felt amazing and still very doingy. Yes, he went sideways, yes, we went on the spot and yes, we threw ourselves around a little but a few transitions back to halt and we were fine. If I go in the flying field, I have been doing around 6 laps (50 mins) so I am doing 1 lap walk, 1 lap trot etc, early days but fingers crossed and we all survive.

Bath time on Sunday and he was sparkling by the time I had finished. Come monday morning, the majority of him was clean apart from the long poo stain across his face where he obviously made himself a pillow. Why did I ever buy a grey?

Fantastic news, We are going to have our own rugs come out in time for winter this year and I have been a very lucky girl and was given the opportunity to help design these. Being a horse owner and talking to different people about their likes and dislikes I was able to talk to the factories who make the 'well known brands about weather and then beat them' (did you get that?) and give my ideas on what I wanted. I have never looked so in depth at buckles, length of tail flaps, material etc. It was really hard work actually and a little scary as if it's incorrect it's me who will be getting the death stares from across the office, but we have had the samples in and the first lot arrived and I took them to the yard, tried one on and instantly said No. Back to the factory with all the changes and last week the new samples arrived. They fit so well and look lovely. I tried them on 3 different horses, all different shapes and they were fab and the feedback I got from the other girls was very encouraging ( this means a lot as you know what us horsey lot are like). I left the light weight turnout to be tested by Williams friend Jack as we had a few days rain so that was perfect and Will has been testing the stable rug. I am pleased to say both have passed the tests with flying colours and I am soooo looking forward to moving on with this now. The plan is to have these rugs in by the end of August. These will be a light, medium and heavy weight turnout and a medium and heavy weight stable rug. So that leaves colours, names and quantities to deal with so wish me luck!........................